Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Spring Detox Smoothie

At first look, this Breakfast Smoothie is a blush-colored beauty! But at first taste, it is a bit of a surprise: the kind of surprise that yanks you by the collar, alerts… Continue reading

Yum Yum

Spring Detox Challenge begins April 22nd

Awakening to Spring, sensing all of nature come alive, and feeling yourself one with that renewal ~ isn’t a joy? Our upcoming Spring Clean 21 Day Challenge captures that joy… Continue reading

Yum Yum

4 Ways to Manage Peri-Menopause with Food

Heard of perimenopausal rage? So many women have been asking me lately for help with this issue that when I saw this article from Kate Geagan, author of Go Green: Get Lean, I had to repost it. Her suggestions are not only … Continue reading


Food Therapy: Healing Kitchari

This past weekend we taught the first of three Intensives in our long-awaited ~ at least long-awaited by us ~ 100-hour Vedic Yoga Therapy Training. I say “long-awaited” because Yoga-as-therapy is what we do. Both my husband and I enjoy … Continue reading


Summer is for Juicing

We started a “Juice Reboot” this week, inspired by the upbeat documentary with the downbeat name, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  My husband, who gets an idea and then award-winningly executes it before anyone can say, “What a force of … Continue reading


Summer Beans & Greens

I find it peaceful to write and so was relieved to finally have the time to write on Ayurveda & the Summer Season and get it published to my Blog. It is full of tips for maintaining balance in what … Continue reading


An Apple Today

A client recently mentioned that she wants to do another cleanse. Grew up on junk food was the reason she gave. Makes sense, I thought. Every now and then a deep clearing of the digestive tract is good practice, especially … Continue reading


Spring Clean | Cilantro Detox Pesto

Imagine sunflowers floating on rafts on a pond. Then imagine that there are many ponds ~ sunflower rafts as far as your eye can see. Then imagine these sunflowers are growing on rafts in ponds that surround the Chernobyl nuclear site … Continue reading


Spring: Season of Fiery Spice & Wild Greens

Spring is a time for healing and growth, bringing life to its fullest blossom while sloughing off accumulations that weigh and slow us down. This, therefore, is the prime season for detoxification, when we want to do what nature is doing: … Continue reading


The 21 Day Challenge

We had our annual Spring Detox Workshop on Sunday, the day of the Spring Equinox, which is always a joyful way to begin the season. It is like a celebration of emergence ~ from the darkness of winter, from the … Continue reading


Ayurveda on Fasting

There is something delicious about hunger. It presents a raw desire we rarely allow ourselves to feel. Like Silence, it offers a deeper insight into ourselves, and takes us to the source of our true nourishment. In this New Year, I … Continue reading