Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Coco Almond Butter Cups: No Bake Ojas

“Optimum ojas is the key to perfect health, balanced and blissful emotions, and even the unfolding of inner spiritual development. Ojas promotes longevity and is an internally generated antidote to aging…” Continue reading

Yum Yum

Kitchari Pt 2: Crunchy Kitchari Bites & Dumplings

In a playful effort to make Ayurveda cooking tasty and accessible, I give you Kitchari Dumplings and Coconut Crusted Kitchari Bites, made from the everyday cleansing Kitchari with broccoli, celery and leafy greens featured in the last post. Continue reading


Everyday Cleanse: Kitchari & Greens, Pt 1

Ayurveda’s most purifying, everyday staple, boosted with the detox power of cruciferous and greens. Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Moon Milk + Foods to Help You Sleep

In the womb of the night we reset, recover and repair. Unfortunately, electric lights, technology and piped entertainment keep us from going gently into that dark night, from listening to its rich silence, and enjoying its deep stillness. We pay for … Continue reading Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum Yum

Fruity Baked Oatmeal + New Dosha Quiz

When Vata is high we often don’t have time or the inclination to cook. But that is when we need it most, and this recipe amkes it easy. Its sweet nourishment gives you warm energy – and it bakes while you get started with your day! Continue reading