
Kitchari Pt 2: Crunchy Kitchari Bites & Dumplings

In a playful effort to make Ayurveda cooking tasty and accessible, I give you Kitchari Dumplings and Coconut Crusted Kitchari Bites, made from the everyday cleansing Kitchari with broccoli, celery and leafy greens featured in the last post. Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Chocolate Pasta

With chocolate in the sauce, this pasta is comfort food seductively saying “I love you.” Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

To Russia, with Love: Shchi Cabbage Soup

I thought I’d start Six Tasting the World with an Ayurvedically aligned meal from France, or Italy, or Switzerland even, given that we begin in winter. I dreamt of ā€œvisitingā€ (in my kitchen, of course) places that call to us … Continue reading


Tapioca Tribute

Yesterday I made a Tapioca Treat for my Father’s birthday, which I have to share with you because it is one of those “too good to be true” desserts. I can’t say my father loved it. It has been a … Continue reading


Spring: Season of Fiery Spice & Wild Greens

Spring is a time for healing and growth, bringing life to its fullest blossom while sloughing off accumulations thatĀ weigh and slow us down. This, therefore, is the prime season for detoxification, when we want to do what nature is doing: … Continue reading