Did you know that spices can have up to 50 times more antioxidants than your favorite fruit, making them powerhouses when it comes to anti-aging? Here are my five favorites for Fall… Continue reading
Category Archives: Tonics & Teas
Summer Cleanse + Smoothies
4 beautiful, colorful, vibrant, nature-loves-you Smoothie recipes on one sheet to keep you Summer fresh ~ Continue reading
Ginger Brew
A sparkling brew to uplift your spirits: so pretty and so fizzy, it just might make you dance. Continue reading
Miracles of Green: 7 Emerald Recipes
Traditional cultures instinctively knew the benefits of Spring’s bitter-tasting bounty, cultivating nourishing, home-cooked savory pies and tartes with a variety of free, foraged greens. From France, Italy, Greece, and my own garden, here are 7 delicious ways to go green this Spring. Continue reading
Smooth Move Tonic
Addressing the third stage of digestion – elimination – this delicious evening tonic encourages regularity so you wake up feeling light, balanced, clear and vibrant. Continue reading
Immunity Spices
How are you handling this arctic blast? Are you staying warm? Is it a challenge or a welcome break for you? I would love to hear – unusual weather has a tendency to draw us closer, so please let us know how you are doing.
Meanwhile, I want to share with you something to help you stay warm and well.
But first a little background: In November, we taught on a Holistic Health Cruise, after which I posted this Immunity Spice Recipe as a thank you to those who attended my talk on Ayurveda & the Power of the Six Tastes to Heal.
Thing is, I posted it in a semi-private place since it was a gift to them… But it got out and around, and now people are looking for it here on this blog and writing me when they can’t find it. So, especially given the weather around the country, and the fact that winter is cold season anyway, I felt it should get a posting here.
I apologize if it is redundant for you, but maybe you’ll appreciate the reminder? I hope wherever you are, you are staying warm, sheltered, safe, and serene.
This Immunity Spice Mix is warming and purifying, with primarily the pungent, astringent and bitter tastes, considered so medicinal in Ayurveda. Try to have a teaspoon, as tea or cooked into your foods, every day.
The spices can be sautéed with ghee or coconut oil before cooking in vegetables, rice, or grains. You could also add it to boiling water to make a tea ~ As a morning tea, it will rev up your system, encouraging circulation. As a tea to accompany meals, add a splash of lemon juice and a touch of honey and sip warm to strengthen digestion.
You can also make it into a golden milk, with boiled coconut milk, or your favorite, plus a dash of cardamom, maybe a spot of honey. You could even add it to your smoothies with a date or two.
Remember: The sweet taste lubricates and tonifies which is important to balance Winter’s Vata. It also helps your body absorb the nutrients of the other tastes, so ghee, milk, dates are all part of the medicine.
A note of caution – this can be stimulative. It’s best to avoid taking near bedtime.
Immunity Spice Mix
- 6 parts ground turmeric
- 3 parts ground cumin
- 3 parts ground coriander
- 6 parts ground fennel
- 1 part powdered, dry ginger
- 1 part ground black pepper
- 1/2 part ground cinnamon
Mix spices together thoroughly. Store in an airtight container. Use within one month.
For Vata Dosha, add a dash of Himalayan pink salt, and a sprinkle of sesame seed.
For Pitta Dosha, replace the cumin with mint or cilantro. Optionally, use cardamom powder instead of black pepper.
For Kapha Dosha, it is perfect all year round. You could even add 1/4 part clove or cayenne.
In addition to this immunity spice, you might benefit from one of these make-it-yourself Ayurvedic healing recipes, like the ginger lemon honey cold remedy, pictured here.
Please take care. Mother Nature can be an overwhelming power, demanding our respect.
I wish you strong inner fires to can stay warm and healthy in this new year!
Sweet Potato Chai Smoothie
Sweet Potato Pudding or Sweet Potato Chai… You pick! Continue reading
Watermelon Sparkle
A refreshing, quenching, hydrating, nourishing, cooling, delightful “cocktail” Continue reading
Morning-After Detox Tonic
This “morning after” tonic restores your balance, clarity and zip anytime you need a lift. Continue reading
A Few Healing Remedies
The miracle of Garlic, Ginger and Honey to heal ~ Continue reading
Grief Tonic
Grief is serious, and right now there is a lot, sadly too much, going around.
When my father died, I woke up every day with a pain that felt like my front body had been torn off. Even as I stood, went to work, engaged in daily life, I felt doubled over, gripped with that wrenching, twisting, searing pain. Life was hallucinatory: pretending to be fine while a screaming ache ripped through my hollow insides.
Recently science has been able to demonstrate that the physical pain of grief is real. According to Scientific American, circuits of the cortical pain network become activated when you experience such deep loss. “Grief – in its most basic form – represents an alarm reaction set off by a deficit signal in the behavioural system underlying attachment,” writes psychology professor John Archer of the University of Central Lancashire in his book The Nature of Grief.
While your entire neurobiological system is trying to adjust to radically altered circumstances, naturally you don’t feel like eating. But you have to.
When we were grieving, my sister and I ate bananas and yogurt. This tonic is based on those two simple ingredients, plus a few everyday, enhancing foods. It is easy to fix up, and easy to sip, swallow and digest. It carries enough basic nutrition to keep you strong until you can stomach a proper meal, which itself should be cooked and highly digestible: hearty soups are best, or comfort foods like pb&j or rice pudding.
Sweet is the key taste, but not processed sugar. If you are doing the grocery shopping, focus on fresh fruits, dried dates and nuts, avocados, root vegetables, soups and grains that are easy to prepare, and foods high in protein, B vitamins and Omegas, like eggs or salmon.
Please resist the tendency to reach for pizza, pasta, frozen or microwaveable “convenience” foods, chips, cakes, cookies, muffins. Frozen and microwaved food is biologically altered, and hard to metabolize. Your system right now needs easy. It has enough to do just trying to “digest” life. Feed yourself real food – nature’s own comforting convenience food – banana, avocado, apples, dates, pears, soft cheeses, soaked nuts, whole grains.
Grief Tonic
1-2 servings
1 ripe banana
1 cup apple juice
1 cup yogurt, preferably non-dairy: coconut, almond, your favorite
2 medjool dates
1 T maple syrup, optional
1 good shake cardamom
1/4 t nutmeg, freshly grated is best
1 pinch of pink, or sea salt
Blend well and serve at room temperature. Do not serve cold. Grief is cold enough.
In an 1843 letter to his second cousin, Reverend William Darwin Fox, Charles Darwin wrote, “Strong affections have always appeared to me, the most noble part of a man’s character and the absence of them an irreparable failure; you ought to console yourself with thinking that your grief is the necessary price for having been born with such feelings.”
God Bless the Children, and all who suffer.
May you be embraced by a host of heavenly angels and carried to the light.
Our prayers are with you.
Deep Sleep Tonic
Warning: This Tonic will make you sleep, and sleep, and sleep… Continue reading
Pumpkin Smoothie
I declared one of the days earlier this week a Day of Bed Rest, and spent my waking hours in the comfort of Continue reading
Beauty Brew
Ayurveda promotes Beauty from the Inside. This tisane, or herbal tea, is Pitta-reducing, hormone-balancing, and great for your skin. Continue reading
Sipping Sattva: Rose Fennel Tea
The ingredients are simple: Fennel, Rose, Mint. Together they create a gentle medicine to balance summer’s heat, with a delicate, subtle taste that makes you want to Continue reading
Are You Too Sweet? 4 Ways to Reduce Blood Sugar
Elevated blood sugar levels are associated with a number of diseases. Here are four key ways to maintain good levels. Continue reading
Spring Detox Smoothie
At first look, this Breakfast Smoothie is a blush-colored beauty! But at first taste, it is a bit of a surprise: the kind of surprise that yanks you by the collar, alerts… Continue reading
Winter Wellness Formula
Are there children in your home, or colleagues at your office coughing, wheezing, sniffling and sneezing? Or maybe it is you? It seems like everywhere I turn someone is sick. Whether it is because a son or daughter is home from … Continue reading