Healthy, hearty, tasty and *teen-approved* – these cookies are perfect for school lunches, after-school snacks, and off-to-college care packages. Continue reading
Healthy, hearty, tasty and *teen-approved* – these cookies are perfect for school lunches, after-school snacks, and off-to-college care packages. Continue reading
My Ayurvedic Summer Cleanse starts August 13. Continue reading
A gluten-free, dairy-free, Ayurveda makeover of a summer standard. Continue reading
Three easy steps + my favorite everyday breakfast to put more magic in your mornings. Continue reading
Fresh, light and bright, this fruity panzanella sings of the delights of Spring – and Summer’s bounty too. Continue reading
Everyday health starts with this sunny, simple wellness tonic. Continue reading
Lemony, garlicky deliciousness to load up on your cleansing spring greens. Continue reading
Beets for dessert? High protein, high fiber, high flavor in a surprisingly sumptuous dessert. You simply have to try this. Continue reading
Based on the simple flatbread called chapati, this egg-free, gluten-free recipe can be modified to your tastes. Make the batter a bit thicker by adding less water and you have pancakes. Make it thinner and you have a more delicate crepe. Either way, it is delicious with a little honey, or fresh fruit preserves. Continue reading
My most recent list of favorite {mostly} Ayurvedic food blogs. Continue reading
A delicious, gut-healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free, guilt-free and sunny excuse to enjoy chocolate, from the ebullient and adorable Melissa Ambrosini. Continue reading
Holy, medicinal, ancient and sumptuous, this is every reason to indulge. Continue reading
With rice noodles and a garlicky-nutty-tamari dressing, this salad is a summer favorite. “Taste and adjust: my new motto for life.” Continue reading
Six foods I lean into during the summer: good any time, any day in summer, and any time, any season for summer people. Continue reading
Have you even seen the way mangoes just drop from the tree at the very moment you pass by? Nature’s gifts of mango, coconut, maple syrup, lime, the cardamom flower – how is that anything but love reaching out to you, saying yes to you, saying I am life, I surround you, and I am everywhere loving you? Continue reading
Whole food, plant based sushi for pitta-balancing (cooling, soothing) summer picnics and anytime meals. Continue reading
Eating for peace ~ Continue reading
Raspberry Lemon Spelt Scones from Oh Holy Basil, a breakfast scramble from Dishing Up the Dirt, and Carrot Cake Pancakes from Vegan Richa. Continue reading