Wildly enchanting, these little amber bites are a healthy, immune supporting, brain fueling, joint loving, sense delighting, taste celebration of nature’s edible Ojas. Continue reading
Wildly enchanting, these little amber bites are a healthy, immune supporting, brain fueling, joint loving, sense delighting, taste celebration of nature’s edible Ojas. Continue reading
Healthy, hearty, tasty and *teen-approved* – these cookies are perfect for school lunches, after-school snacks, and off-to-college care packages. Continue reading
Based on the simple flatbread called chapati, this egg-free, gluten-free recipe can be modified to your tastes. Make the batter a bit thicker by adding less water and you have pancakes. Make it thinner and you have a more delicate crepe. Either way, it is delicious with a little honey, or fresh fruit preserves. Continue reading
A delicious, gut-healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free, guilt-free and sunny excuse to enjoy chocolate, from the ebullient and adorable Melissa Ambrosini. Continue reading
Breaking bread is holy. It reminds me that all things break. Bread, hearts, relationships. But that ultimately all things are shared. Even those breaks. Especially those breaks. Continue reading
Pumpkin is a power food – full of fiber and rich with antioxidants to keep you young and vibrant. If made properly, pumpkin pie can be a healthy dessert, a great snack, and even a delicious breakfast. Continue reading
Two years ago at our Yoga Therapy Training, I served a gluten free, dairy free, no sugar added, homemade apple pie. The recipe was requested. It has taken me these years, but at long last, here, finally, it is. Unfortunately, … Continue reading
This Rice Pudding makes a delicious breakfast, snack or dessert. It is especially Vata-reducing ā great for children, anyone recuperating, and anyone needing a pick-me-up. Continue reading
I declared one of the days earlier this week a Day of Bed Rest, and spent my waking hours in the comfort of Continue reading
Have you ever made your own Yogurt? This one is sugar free, dairy free, hearty, sumptuous and easy to prepare. Continue reading
These are the dog days. Here in Yosemite it is 100 degrees. Hot. Dry. Dusty. Our rustic, little cabin… Continue reading
Elevated blood sugar levels are associated with a number of diseases. Here are four key ways to maintain good levels. Continue reading
At first look, this Breakfast Smoothie is a blush-colored beauty! But at first taste, it is a bit of a surprise: the kind of surprise that yanks you by the collar, alerts… Continue reading
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Best day of the year, or commercial imposition? Invention of the Hallmark industry, or a wonderful reminder to love, love, love? However you see it, most of us seem to agree ~ the … Continue reading
Last night we had dinner at home with four wonderful, conscious friends.Ā One of them, Ninh-ji, who began his life in Vietnam, brought the dessert. It looked at first like a delightfully simple silken tofu warmed in an electric pot. Indeed, … Continue reading
Have you heard of Urban Food & Gourmet? It is a new South Park Shop & Deli for California Creatives, Modern Peace Warriors, RadiantĀ Lighthouses like you. Dedicated to tickling your palate, feeding your fires, sweetly singing your body electric and … Continue reading
A couple of weeks ago I asked, “What do you crave?” Across the vast interconnected web of planetary health-wizards and cultural creatives came the resounding answer, “Chocolate!” Why, of course. Chocolate is a stimulant, so it is not surprising in … Continue reading
In our household, the World’s Best Dad Award goes to my husband whose devotion to his son proves that dads can do just about anything. He loves coconut, so we are making him this Live Coconut Cream Pie for tonightās … Continue reading