Detox Tabbouleh

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Why do I call this Detox Tabbouleh? Unlike the traditional recipe, I don’t add bulgur or tomato, so it is free of those pesky foods that can be inflammatory. Like the traditional recipe though, I do add garlic, a really good olive oil and lots of lemon, because all three are known to help detoxify the body. Above all, this is full of greens, and greens clean.

Parsley & Cilantro are potent detoxifiers, providing necessary nutrients and daily fiber. Parsley also helps to clean your breath of garlic odor, so it is a perfect paring. And if you’ve joined me for any of my seasonal cleanses, you know my love of cilantro for its heavy metal scrubbing power.

Who is this for? Greens are good for everybody, helping Vata with necessary fiber for easier elimination, cooling inflammation and strengthening liver function to help Pitta keep cool, and providing the bitters that lighten up Kapha.


It tastes like an ancient Mesopotamian garden. I’d serve it to the poet Hafiz if he’d come over for dinner. Like his Gifts, our mother earth’s bounty is an eternal feast.

Detox Tabbouleh

1 bunch parsley
1 handful cilantro, optional
2 spring onions, finely sliced
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 clove garlic
3-4 fists of pine nuts
2 capfuls really fine extra virgin olive oil

Put the garlic in a food processor and mince. Add the parsley, cilantro, spring onions and process. Squeeze in the lemon juice and mix. Toss in the pine nuts, drizzle in the olive oil and give it one more quick pulse. Taste, adjust flavors, and pulse again if you like your pine nuts broken down and integrated more.

Serve alone, or with soups, salads, toast, or crackers. It is also great spooned over heartier dishes.

*Note: If you are Pitta, you can reduce the amounts of garlic and spiring onion, or eliminate altogether. 

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Speaking of getting healthy for the new year, my Winter Cleanse launches this Saturday. It’s a hearty cleanse – gentle enough that you can keep up with your daily routines, but solid enough that you will feel better, and delicious enough to keep you building momentum. All for only $10 for 10 recipes, meal plans + Ayurvedic wisdom and email inspiration.

I will give away a winter cleanse to a commenter below (picked randomly, always). So tell me, how do you nourish and purify in winter?



26 thoughts on “Detox Tabbouleh

  1. Yes, slowing down and doing nesting, self care is part of my winter tradition. So is eating lots of kitchari and green soups. When I can afford it I go for a Week long Panchakarma cleanse. Soaking in a warm sea salt baths with rose is also nourishing for me.

    • hi jacky, you could massage some baby kale. or, if you could find micro cilantro/micro parsley, you might like that. the “micro” softens the texture and sweetens the bitter. or, failing that, any micro greens could work. xo!

  2. Hi Laura,

    I used to attend your classes (which I always greatly enjoyed), and now I enjoy and always look forward to your posts. This tabbouleh sounds delicious. I can’t wait to try it. I am interested in doing the winter cleanse. I did the autumn cleanse in the fall, and I felt great afterwards. I’ve been trying to eat more ayurvedically since then, and it’s been helping with chronic knee pain and nerve issues I was previously experiencing after having my son. You’ve been an inspiration to me, and I thank you so much! How do I pay you for the cleansing recipes?

    Namaste, Katie Williams 😊

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Hi there,

    I am really interested in receiving your winter detox. I live in Australia and it’s summer here but I would like to have your winter plan available for when it is winter here. I tried to purchase it on your website but it asks me for a U.S address??? Can you help me.

    Kind Regards, Lara

    Sent from my iPad

Will you try this? What are you loving this season?

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