Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Melissa Ambrosini’s Exquisite Chocolate Orange Tart

A delicious, gut-healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free, guilt-free and sunny excuse to enjoy chocolate, from the ebullient and adorable Melissa Ambrosini. Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum

Coconut Mango Lime Cobbler

Have you even seen the way mangoes just drop from the tree at the very moment you pass by? Nature’s gifts of mango, coconut, maple syrup, lime, the cardamom flower – how is that anything but love reaching out to you, saying yes to you, saying I am life, I surround you, and I am everywhere loving you? Continue reading

Yum Yum

Kitchari Burger

2 outrageous and uncommonly wonderful ways to dress up kichari for family and fussy eaters. Continue reading


Coconut Rose Ojas Mousse

With coconut cream, rose, saffron, nutmeg and lime, this is a nectar, a love potion, I call Bliss. Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum