Three {Rosy} Ways to Love

Nothing says love like a rose. The delicacy, the fragrance, the taste…

And like so many traditions, from the sacred to the secular, there is an ayurvedic intelligence behind the symbol of roses for love.

Roses are a tridoshic affair – perfect for the heat of romance, the fire of passion, the flames of sensual attraction. Rose comforts, strengthens and seduces all at the same time.

Rose is the perfect invitation to love, the perfect antidote to love lost. It  calms our inner winds, cools our wilder fires, and encourages our nurturing waters to flow.

Rose soothes, heals and uplifts. As an anti-depressant, rose can soften the hardest of hearts, and when love makes us weak in the knees, rose is the perfect pick-me-up.

“According to the Ayurvedic encyclopedia, Rose oil is such a unique essential oil that is good for all the three doshas and benefits the blood, nerve, plasma, liver, heart, stomach, reproductive system, marrow, skin and gastro-intestinal system,” writes Derek Hodges, of Ayurvedic Oils

As a rejuvenating tonic, rose is considered in Ayurveda in the class of aphrodisiacs, and thus it is the perfect antidote to February’s fade, and a delicious way to romance your heart now.


1/4 c rose petals
1 T coconut oil
1 t orange peel, grated
dash of nutmeg
1 c epsom salts

Stir the rose petals into melted coconut oil. Add nutmeg and grated orange rind. Give it a swirl and let sit so the fragrances and medicine absorb into the oil. Once it is cool to the touch, pour rose oil mixture over the epsom salts and and gently fold in.

Use as a rosy scrub in the shower, or add to your bath for a delicious soak. Make yourself a few of these heart-soothing, mouth-melting rose petals truffles to enjoy as you bathe.

Even though they are sugar and dairy free, these are the most exquisitely delicious truffles. When I first imagined them, I envisioned a white truffle decorated in scarlet, pink, blush, and yellow rose petals. But then I soaked hibiscus flowers, and added that bright red juice to lighten up the texture. It turned the truffle a deep, dusty rose, which, once covered in petals, has a kind of earthy sensuousness. When packed for gifts, immersed in a bed of rose petals, the truffles look like a confetti carnival of love.

Hibiscus is called Chinese Rose and Rosa de Jamaica, and gives the astringent taste that delightfully balances the sweet of the coconut manna. Astringent is tonifying, purifying, good for Pitta and great for Kapha. I think the hibiscus adds the balance needed, so if you can’t find hibiscus flowers, you could use a very strong hibiscus tea,  or soak some of your rose petals in very warm (not hot) water and use that instead.

Makes 8-10 Truffles

1 handful handful hibiscus flowers (dried or fresh)
3 T coconut manna
1 T almond butter
1 T coconut or almond milk
1 handful dried cherries
1/2 t ground psyllium, or 1 t ground flaxseed
1 capful vanilla extract
1 t raw honey
1 hearty dash cinnamon
1 pinch pink or sea salt
dried rose petals
optional: 1 scant t ashwagandha powder*

Soak the hibiscus flowers in 4 cups boiling water. Add manna to a processor with all of the ingredients except the hibiscus and the rose petals. Blend.

Strain the hibiscus, save the juice. Add 2 tablespoons of the hibiscus juice to your processor and blend again. If the mixture is very thick, add another tablespoon hibiscus juice until it is a rich consistency, like cookie dough.

Put the mixture in the freezer for ten minutes or in your refrigerator for up to 24 hours. When you are ready to roll, take it out, oil your hands with coconut oil, scoop a teaspoon of batter into your hands, roll into a ball, and then roll in rose petals to cover. Once complete, place the truffles back in the fridge and keep cool until serving.

These are best after a few hours when the rose petals moisten, soften and diffuse their fragrance throughout the truffle. Serve with love.

*Ashwagandha” is considered a “Rasayana” – meaning it is rejuvenating, anti-aging, and restorative. Used for a range of things – from sleep, energy, stress, to bone and muscle strength, and joint health – it is said to be ideal for Vata and Kapha, and this, late winter, is Vata-Kapha season. As for Valentine’s Day, “ashwagandha” means the virility of a horse. As a prime Ayurvedic herb and adaptogen, it is considered a superior aphrodisiac and male fertility tonic. So, if you are in the mood, add and roll…

Hibiscus loves your heart in so many ways. According to The Ayurveda Org, it’s a traditional remedy for high blood pressure due to its diuretic action and blood thinning properties, and it contains bio-flavanoids, believed to prevent build-up of plaque in the arteries.

Hibiscus cools your liver and your blood by purging hot bile from the gall bladder. Thanks to high levels of antioxidants, hibiscus reduces low-grade systemic inflammation, common if your lymphatic system is congested.

The astringent and cooling properties of hibsicus calm an overheated stomach, reducing your appetite to natural levels. The diuretic and blood thinning qualities of hibiscus help you lighten up your waistline and your mood.  The restoration of healthy circulation gives your metabolism a boost, which will give your skin a lovely glow – plus, hibiscus extract has been shown to reducing signs of aging, and support female reproductive health.

Since you are soaking hibiscus flowers for your truffles, might as well soak a bunch, and enjoy yourself a loving, get-your-glow-on tonic.


1 handful of hibiscus flowers
4 cups water
1 /2 inch ginger, peeled and sliced
few drops of honey
squeeze of lemon or lime

Soak hibiscus flowers and ginger in boiling hot water for at least ten minutes. Strain. Stir in honey, citrus juice. Add to sparkling water and top with a circle of lime for a sparkling tonic, or pour in a mug with boiling water to make a heart-warming tea.

How’s your heart these days? Is there a place for rose “medicine” in your life? First five people to comment, I’ll send you a spice jar of Ashwagandha ’cause I love you so much!

Wishing you all love always ~ Namaste!


21 thoughts on “Three {Rosy} Ways to Love

  1. Not realizing I was reading your post, midway through, I thought to myself,
    “This sure sounds like Laura Plumb!” And of coure it was! Your signature self is stamped on each recipe, photo and each piece of descriptive information!
    I hope to make each one! ❤️

  2. Thank you Laura — being of Pitta nature I use Rose all the time — especially on my sensitive skin. I can’t wait to try the Rose Petal scrub!

  3. The truffles look beautiful and delicious. I also love the scent of rose oil. Thank you for the article. I am using Bergamot oil every day for stress-reduction. Love all of the essential oils that help to relax me.

    • Thanks Sharyn! I love Bergamot too. All those citrus-y fragrances are heavenly uplifting, especially in winter. Lots of love to you.

  4. Your blog and you, your photos, everything is just blooming in radiance!!

    So beautiful. You are the most beautiful example of blooming with grace.

    Sending you love always.

  5. My beautiful and DIVINE Sunshine

    I’ve been away and couldn’t attend your classes in January. I’d love to see you when you return for a rejuvenate session. Thank you for the wonderful and nourishing recipes.
    Love and namaste

    • Thank you Yanick! Even without your name I know that is you. Your loving voice is so clear, and such a beautiful gift in my life. I am sorry I missed you this winter, but will look for you this summer. Blessings for a beautiful 2017!

  6. Pingback: February Foods: 8 Favorites | Food: A Love Story

  7. I’ve always been attracted to the smell of rose and now I understand why! I feel it does something magical to my heart and soul when I smell it! I can’t wait to try these magical gifts you have given us so kindly.

    Love always
    Phoebe x

Will you try this? What are you loving this season?

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