Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Cardamom Rice Pudding

This Rice Pudding makes a delicious breakfast, snack or dessert. It is especially Vata-reducing โ€“ great for children, anyone recuperating, and anyone needing a pick-me-up. Continue reading

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

To Eat the Sun: Pรชches Aux Nuages

After our Zen Mountain Retreat earlier this month, Jen Carpenter, a recent graduate of theย Deep Yoga Mastery of Life Yoga Teacher Training,ย continued with her own Retreat in the Sierras. When she returned she shared with us this beautiful experience of … Continue reading


What’s Your Dosha?

Are you air, fire or water? Is your best season Autumn, Winter, Spring or Summer? Are you more dynamic, focused, or nurturing? Ayurveda sees our bodies as microcosms of the macrocosm – the universe within each being. This means you, … Continue reading


Minty Mediterranean Salad

When the world seems like it’s coming apart, friendship and food can be inspiring comfort ~ and our Summer Ayurveda Class on Sunday was just that. We sipped Watermelon Smoothies while talking about Ayurveda, Nutrition, Doshas, Summer needs and Summer … Continue reading


Summer is for Juicing

We started a “Juice Reboot” this week, inspired by the upbeat documentary with the downbeat name, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. ย My husband, who gets an idea and then award-winningly executes it before anyone can say, “What a force of … Continue reading

Yum Yum

Summer Beans & Greens

I find it peaceful to write and so was relieved to finally have the time to write on Ayurveda & the Summer Season and get it published to my Blog. It is full of tips for maintaining balance in what … Continue reading