Rescue Remedy for Digestion

I am hosting a retreat right now at the most serene place nestled high in the Himalayas above Rishikesh where the sun is shining, the air is clear, and all you can hear is a jungle full of bird song, including the “meow” call of a peacock, the gentle whoosh of an occasional breeze that warmly caresses your neck as it passes, a flowing river below, and the evening whir of crickets.

We are pampered here with excellent Ayurvedic meals, daily treatments and a staff of some of the world’s warmest people. Our doctor pours on the wisdom and love, which allows him to get away with comments like, “The outer beauty of you is not matched on the inside. No, it’s ugly in there.”

But he has a remedy: “I do not like medicines,” he tells us. Instead, “You do this thing.”

Light Your Fire Digestive Aid

1 two-inch piece of ginger, peeled
1/2 lemon
1/4 teaspoon rock salt, or pink salt

Cut the ginger strips lengthwise into thin matchsticks. Place them in a small bowl and squeeze the lemon to cover the ginger in lemon juice. Sprinkle the salt over and stir. Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Eat a piece of salty-lemony ginger 10-15 minutes before meals.

Or, if you are like me, take it when you remember, before eating.


This recipe is also in my new book, Ayurveda Cooking For Beginners, which gives much more detail on digestive health as the key to overall radiant health and energy, as well as 108 recipes to inspire.

I posted a little video yesterday to share with you the beauty, majesty and serenity of this place in the Shivalik range of the “baby” Himalaya. I  hope one day you will join me.

Meanwhile, I wish you digestive radiance, and an inner beauty to match your outer beauty.



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  1. Pingback: Spring Loaded Kitchari + Immune Enhancing Tips | Food: A Love Story

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