February: What’s Seasonal? Plus, A Heart-Loving Giveaway

I am evolving this series to represent what’s seasonal, as in what ingredients are ideal for our meals this time of year, versus what’s in season, which implies what is growing, which is silly to try to collate, as it depends entirely on your location.

Where I am now in southern California, for instance, the pink trumpet tree out my window is in full bloom, and the camellias are just budding. The chives, holy basil, rosemary and thyme are looking healthy, while our neighbor’s orange, lemon and avocado trees are fruiting.

But where I grew up, along the shores of Lake Michigan, February usually blankets the earth in snow. It seemed then like whatever you could serve hot was in season – Lou Malnati’s deep dish spinach pizza, a tray of baked tater tots, a steaming bowl of noodles, mugs of hot chocolate.

So, with an Ayurvedic lens on deep winter meals, below are some suggestions for a delicious, nourishing February- plus a few playful ideas in case you celebrate love this month, too. Click the photos to be taken to the recipe. You can also put February or winter in the search box in the right sidebar to get a list of many, many more.

Enjoy! 🍃

Soba Noodles with Peas, Greens & Cacao

Kitchari Noodle Soup

Creamy Beans & Greens

Savory, Sweet-ish Saag

Rose Rasayana with Morning Oats

Rose Rasayana Pistachio Truffles

Rose Petal Heart Loving Truffles

Rosy Raw Walnut Brownies

Joyful Heart CCF Tea with Hibiscus & Rose

I’d like to send one reader this box of Banyan Botanicals’ Joyful Heart CCF Tea with Hibiscus & Rose. Please comment below and I will add your name “to the hat” to be blindly, randomly picked Friday.

Thank you & Happy February!


21 thoughts on “February: What’s Seasonal? Plus, A Heart-Loving Giveaway

  1. Definitely would like to try the creamy greens & beans. The rose treats look absolutely gorgeous. Pistachio truffles – brownies. Can’t wait to try.

  2. Hope you are continuing to recover. I had kitchari on my schedule to make this week. So I was excited to see the version with noodles. I think I’ll give it a try. Also the greens and bean will be in next weeks rotation. All these recipes look delicious.

    • Lisa! Your name was blindly, randomly selected to receive the Joyful Heart herbal tea blend. I will email you for the arrangements 🙏🏽🕊️

  3. Yes – loving the idea of comining CCF with rose and hibiscus
    I am loving the longer days that come with February – more LIGHT.

  4. The kitchari noodle soup and creamy beans and greens look divine! I am excited to make these in the coming weeks. Thank you!

  5. This is great Laura, so good to see a seasonal menu. For so many years we’ve lived away from the land and i miss it! Thank you for sharing these tempting recipes

  6. I need to find my Ayurveda having lost my way good nourishing wise. 3 weeks as a guest in Australia haven’t helped so much sweet- now with a broken bone to heal I feel nourishing me in the depths of winter in the Uk a real need. Thanks Laura for the timely reminder with love Jacky

    • Oh no! A broken bone?! Wish I were there to make you warm, nourishing meals. Take good care Jacky. The world is better when you are well!

  7. Laura, your posts are my favorite! I’ve made these truffles before and perhaps now, I’ll make them again. Thank you for sharing your divine light! 🥰

Will you try this? What are you loving this season?

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