DEVI SADHANA :: 9 part series on Shakti *With 9 Devi Mantras and Meditations*
Light up the world ~
Download the Devi Sadhana Series
A recording of the celebrations of Shakti as the Divine Mother, the power of life and love, over the nine nights of Navratri. Each evening, 40 Sadhaks gathered by phone as we lit the candle of our hearts, listened to stories of the Devi, learned the mantras to evoke her presence, chanted and meditated together. The recording of this series is now available here.
This series of stories and meditations will be emailed to you once daily over nine days after your purchase. Be sure to enter the email address you want the series sent to.
This is the original post introducing the Devi Sadhana Navratri Series ~
Have you ever thought about food, where it comes from and how it evolved? Why a certain food is so good, or so tasty, so beautiful, or so aromatic? Why certain plants are edible and others are not? Why animals can eat some things that would be poisonous to us? How did food even originate? Was it part of a perfect design that food evolved so we humans could? What does it mean “you are what you eat?” Aren’t we more than that? Or are we just food bodies? Entirely made up of food and destined to return to the earth to become food for the next generation? Does food also constitute our minds, our emotions? Does it feed our spirit? Where is spirit? Is it in our food? Is it in nature? If so, do we eat spirit when we eat food from nature?
Humans are part of the species called Mammal, meaning we have a mother. It is something we all have in common. We all have a mother. Beyond our biological mother, we also have a “universal mother.” We call our earth, Mother. We call nature, Mother. We call our rivers, Mother waters. We refer to the forces that create, give and sustain life as Mother. Everywhere in the world the word is the same, “Ma.” Delicious, fragrant, healthy, living foods harvested from the radiance of nature reminds us that we all share a mother who gives us goodness, aliveness, and loving nurturance. Love is, after all, a quality, an energy, a feeling that uplifts, strengthens and affirms. Love tickles our senses, opens our heart, makes us feel awe. Food does that, arousing our five senses to feed our body, mind and soul. Food is one of the many ways this divine presence reaches out to show us each and every day that we are loved ~ you are made from love, to know love, and grow love. Scientists themselves now recognize that, underneath and beyond all form, we exist in a field of love. Food is that – the tangible, touchable, taste-able expression of that love. It is the very script of love. A narrative of our relationship with a loving presence we call Ma.
Today is the beginning of Navratri, nine nights of celebration of this loving, nurturing, creative intelligence who feeds us in so many ways. In honor, I am offering nine “virtual” meditations each evening at 6pm LA/7pm Denver/8pm Chicago/ 9pm NYC. You can call in to join our group, and each 30 minute call will be recorded, so if you can’t make our time, you will have it later to add to your library and enjoy at your leisure.
Light up the world:: Cultivate the Divine Feminine:: Register here.
“Goddess Durga is omnipresent. She is the personification of Universal Mother. She is a Mother, who is present everywhere and who is the embodiment of power and energy. Great mother, who is present everywhere and who is embodiment of Peace, I bow to that mother, I bow to Durga, I bow to Shakti.” ~ Durga Stuti
Since traditional observations call for fasting, you might not expect to find many recipes to celebrate Navratri. However, fasting in this case means fasting from certain, but not all, foods and there are many lovely dishes to celebrate Navratri, including these favorite dishes Cumin Potatoes and Potato Paneer Kofta (which you could bake instead of fry).
I wish you a Happy Navratri! May the power of the divine mother always protect you, nourish you, and lift you up high! Jai Ma!
What a beautiful post, Laura. I appreciate the questions you pose and the awareness you raise that we are all connected under the universal mother. Glad the meditations will be recorded and available later! 😉
Hi Laura,
Are you sure it’s Navaratri? It’s usually in the fall.
Yes, great question. It is usually in the Fall! You are right. It is also in the Spring, corresponding to the New Moons that herald the seasons of growth and harvest. Thank you, Deb.
You are so AMAZING!!!
This is perfect timing for me! Thanks, Laura.
This is so beautiful. It wasn’t until recent years that I truly began to understand the wonders of food. Growing up in the city with little knowledge of where food came from kept me in the dark. Eating is an entirely different ritual for me now.
It is amazing, isn’t? Once we awaken to the wonders of this extraordinary world and this miraculous life, it becomes a never-ending joy and delight. I see that in you, Britt. Life’s radiance shines through you. Thank you.
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