Coconut Almond Overnight Oats

I’ve been writing for Spirituality & Health since October, and just sent them a post on “The Medicine of Taste,” which describes the six tastes of Ayurveda and their impact on nourishment, healing and our emotions.

Every post I write for them includes a recipe, and since summer breakfast is a highly searched subject here on my blog, I thought I’d send them this recipe as an example of balancing the six tastes for summer and for Pitta dosha.

Oats are easy on digestion. Almond butter adds a protein and a healthy fat bump, while the chia keeps the system moving. I love this with blueberries but you could also add mango or grapes.

Coconut Almond Overnight Oats

No bake, no cook, no pressure – this recipe comes together in five minutes and is ready when you are in the morning. It is also ready to go if you like taking your breakfast with you to slowly enjoy at work. High in protein, fiber and flavor it helps you start your day with energy, elegance and ease.

1 cup rolled oats
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 cups coconut milk (can also use almond milk)
2 tablespoons almond butter
2 medjool dates
1 teaspoon vanilla syrup
1/4 teaspoon cardamom
1 pinch pink salt or sea salt

Topping suggestions: blueberries, mango, coconut flakes, ground flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, pecans, chopped almonds

In the evening, divide the oats and chia equally into two mason jars. Put the rest of the ingredients into an electric blender and mix on high until the dates and almond butter have completely liquified. Pour the liquid mixture evenly into each mason jar. Seal the jars and shake. Store overnight at room temperature. In the morning add fruit, flakes, seeds and/or nuts.

For Vata or Kapha, place the jar in a bowl of boiling hot water to warm it before serving. Vata may enjoy it with bananas. Kapha can add a hearty dash of cinnamon.

What is your favorite taste? What is your favorite healthy breakfast? How do you keep balanced in summer? I’d love to hear, and remember to use #myfoodlovestory on social so I can see your photos.

Oh and check out Spirituality & Health for my new online course, The Medicine in Your Kitchen: Introduction to Ayurvedic Cooking. I want to give away one free course. Just comment below so I know you are in. I’ll pick blindly from a hat on Friday. Congratulations to Aleia for winning 🍉

Thank you, big hugs!



41 thoughts on “Coconut Almond Overnight Oats

  1. Hi Laura, I always look forward to your wonderfully informative posts, and I am especially excited to try this new breakfast recipe. Fingers crossed for your online course since we aren’t in the neighborhood anymore. Wishing you well, always, Erika

  2. Thank you for the wealth of information you share! I’m newer to your site and letters, but truly appreciate your warmth of Spirit, appreciation of Joy, and the generosity infused in your writings, recipes, and videos. I’d love to be included in the drawing, but win or not, I appreciate you!

  3. Please do let us know when your new article on the medicine of tastes is out in Spirituality & Health. I enjoy reading them. And thank you for this recipe. I love the cardamom and use of dates for sweetness.

    • Me too. When I make this for myself I double the amount of cardamom 😉
      I am enjoying following your move. Seems you are cooking a lot, which is a way I have of “nesting” after much travel.

  4. I am so in. 🙂 Right now, I’m loving steel cut oats. And I found a way to make hot rolled oats without cooking it so I have a 2nd option. I definitely prefer my oatmeal hot.
    Definitely interested in your course. I definite could use some guidance. <3

    • That is wonderful Irenee. When I first heard of overnight oats, I tried it and thought, No thanks. But now that it is summer it is suiting me. Still, for many people, whatever the seasons breakfast is still best served hot, or at least warm. I love how attuned you are. You are truly an artist, all your senses are so alive.

  5. I have been using your recipes and wellness advice for years and has helped me to maintain balance in my life. Currently studying Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. would love to be able to give educated advice to my patients as well. Looking forward to your online class.

    • Thank you Jill. You are going to be a great healer, because you are the embodiment of wellness yourself, and because you empower through education. “Doctor” comes from the Latin, meaning “to educate.” It is a joy to know that this is the basis of all your healing relationships. Thank you.

  6. Love them all!! Much appreciation. Be delighted for opportunity to be on your course! All the best, elise dana. Thank you.

  7. just signed up for the class and I am looking forward to learning about Ayurvedic cooking. Bought your cook book when it first came out.

  8. Thank you for another delicious sounding recipe! Can’t wait to try it. I love the wealth of information and inspiration that I find in your writings!

  9. So I really appreciate this because it ticks all the boxes for me – prep ahead, cold, good for pitta, can eat it on the train (I know, not good for V, but I have a 3 hour commute a day). Thanks for sharing, and I’d love to be in the giveaway!

  10. Hi Laura, love the beautifully inspiring, creative and connected posts: that delight palate, mind and body, and always feel like a gift appearing in the inbox. .and timely too..I was just desiring exactly this oats recipe!! Six months ago I deleted ALL subscribed health blogs from my email, with the sole exception your own, so there now is a true compliment, offered with much appreciation. Thank you. I be delighted to participate in your online course!! Best of luck with it. Elise Dana

  11. Hi Laura! I have made a few of the summer salads over the past week and even my meat-eating family loved them! Iook forward to your recipes in my inbox and can’t wait to make the overnight oats.

  12. Hi, Laura: I used to think coriander was my favorite spice, until I found cardamom! This beautiful bowl of cool oat cereal makes summer breakfast joyful. Thank you for your recipes…and special gratitude for the inspiring and informative Ayurveda 101 online course. Blessings and Balance! Janis

  13. Hi Laura, I just printed out the Coconut Almond Overnight Oats for my daughter at boarding school! This is the perfect high protein breakfast for my little Kapha! I will remind her to warm it up! Thank yoU!

    • You are amazing Ann. I wish you were closer – we’d love to have you come speak to our campers next week about peace and leadership! Maybe a video? I hope your daughter likes her oats, and her school!

Will you try this? What are you loving this season?

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