Yum Yum

A Spicy Autumn Tea

How do you keep your energy from falling like the leaves this Autumn? Warming spices like nutmeg, cinnamon and cardamom will stabilize your health and boost your immune. You can add spices to anything ~ to breakfast, lunch and dinner, … Continue reading


I invite you to celebrate Urban Food & Gourmet’s Grand Opening with Ayurvedic Herbal Treats and Freedom Pies

Have you heard of Urban Food & Gourmet? It is a new South Park Shop & Deli for California Creatives, Modern Peace Warriors, Radiant Lighthouses like you. Dedicated to tickling your palate, feeding your fires, sweetly singing your body electric and … Continue reading


Summer is for Juicing

We started a “Juice Reboot” this week, inspired by the upbeat documentary with the downbeat name, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  My husband, who gets an idea and then award-winningly executes it before anyone can say, “What a force of … Continue reading


Cucumber Cool

It was that perfect summer day: sunny, clear and hot enough to urge you to the beach, windy enough to get you offshore fast on a Hobie Cat soaring across breezy waters toward the promise of endless horizon. The sailboat had … Continue reading


For Fathers I Am Grateful

In our household, the World’s Best Dad Award goes to my husband whose devotion to his son proves that dads can do just about anything. He loves coconut, so we are making him this Live Coconut Cream Pie for tonight’s … Continue reading


Tapioca Tribute

Yesterday I made a Tapioca Treat for my Father’s birthday, which I have to share with you because it is one of those “too good to be true” desserts. I can’t say my father loved it. It has been a … Continue reading


Edible Beauty: 3 Ayurvedic Recipes for Natural Radiance

That same beauty that makes a flower so elegant, that makes a sunset so magical,  a sunrise so refreshing, a Grand Canyon so potent, the whole of the natural world so inspiring, is in you. Continue reading

Yum Yum

Green Goddess Mornings

Have you ever wondered what to eat in the morning? Ever felt tired of the “same old?” Dry cereal and cold milk lost its Mojo for you? Personally, I never had much taste or enthusiasm for breakfast as a daily … Continue reading


New Year Cleanse: Deep Detox Drink

Every year, at some point between Christmas and New Year’s Day, there comes a morning when you wake up and the first thing you hear is, “Enough!” It is only a voice in your head, of course, but it is … Continue reading


Stoking the Fires

Remember when Grandma would make a home remedy of hot lemon and honey whenever someone was sick? Some grandmothers might have added ginger, others a dash of cinnamon, some a pinch of black pepper, and the bold even added a … Continue reading


Eggless “Egg Nog” Lassi

Your belly will say, “Thank you,” when you complete your meal with Lassi, a yogurt-based drink that keeps your digestive fires blazing and your immune system strong. Seeking a Vegetarian response to Egg Nog, I stirred 1 cup of fresh Yogurt, … Continue reading


Buche de Noel

Morgan and I love to bake, so yesterday he invited friends over and we had a holiday-treats-baking-party. Morgan is creative, adventurous and very clever. Ask him what he wants to be when he grows up and he will tell you, … Continue reading

Yum Yum