With this new year, I am beginning a new series of posting a list of monthly seasonal produce. It’s not so original, but it’s nice to be reminded of our relationship with nature and its dynamic flow.
Below I’ve added a few recipes that include these ingredients and support our seasonal wellness.
As far as the doshas, winter is somewhat heavy, still, stagnant, and so there is Kapha. But it can also be windy, changeable, cold, drying, so there is Vata too. This dance between these doshas in winter depends on where you are. It may be more Kapha in the north. In the southwest where I am, we are dealing with high Vata. But our winter weather swings from Vata to Kapha with frequency. Even that variability is Vata.
Paying attention to the energies in nature, to how you feel each day, is the best barometer to help you determine what are the best meals that will provide warmth and balance to you.

Recipes for January
Buckwheat Mung Bean Winter Veg Stew
Broccoli Cauliflower No-Grain Kitchari
Simple Winter Dal
Creamy Carrot Tarragon Soup
Coconut Curried Sweet Potato Bisque
Farmer’s Cottage Cheese
Buckwheat Pancakes
Healing Apple Sauce
Beet Kvass
These are just some of the many winter recipes on this blog.

Giveaways are fun, so let’s do another!
Banyan Botanicals has a new product called Shakti Prana. Formulated by Ayurvedic physician Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Shakti Prana is a rejuvenating blend of ghee, honey, and herbal superfoods, including Ashwagandha and Shatavari. Featuring all six tastes to help balance all three doshas, it is kind of like a jam. You can spread it on toast, add to your morning porridge or smoothies, or stir with warm water and sip. Or, simply take it straight from the spoon for a daily dose of Ojas.
Comment below and I will randomly pick a name. I love reading your comments os let’s us know what brings you delight this time of year. Be sure to leave your name/email if you want to be entered so I can find you to get a shipping address.

Did you know that over 70% of Americans have complained of digestive issues to their health practitioner? Not only are they experiencing great, and often embarrassing, discomfort but poor digestion will eat away at overall health, energy, cognitive function, mental wellness, emotional stability, and longevity.
Because Ayurveda has such simple, sumptuous answers to so much of what ails us, I created this unique, one of a kind, course to focus on the heart of Ayurveda, the heart of healing and the heart of life, Agni.
Agni is the main source of life.
If you worship agni, you will be blessed with perfect health.
~Dr. Vasant Lad
My mission is to see the world filled with mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, teachers, chefs, farmers, growers, counselors and guides, who know how to feed the earth, the soil, the mind, our bodies and our bellies in ways that truly nourish, exalt, and delight.
It’s about celebrating nature’s beauty, bounty, might and majesty, and harnessing that very same radiant genius in you – and helping others ignite it too!
“Laura your course changed my life and my health. I’m about to launch my first business and bring Ayurveda to my local community. So grateful for your wisdom, guidance and loving presence!” ~ Stephanie |
Ignite. Serve. Heal. Join us for Ayurveda Integrative Nutrition Training 2025
I am in delight with the gorgeous Winter Sun. Southcentral Alaskan Sun gives an incredible variety of light. A times crystal clear, shining, and bright. Other times, a soft, sumptuous glow through the white mist and clouds, heavy and almost moist. And on special days, a pastel rainbow.
Then there’s the Moon…
I’ve never been, but imagine it must be amazing. What a gift you give that light by noticing and describing it so poetically. And then the moon. I can only imagine your night skies…
With the low tides and the Wolf moon and the Santa Anna winds , I’ve been getting a Soma bath while tuning into the ocean. These quiet my spirit and renew my freshness. :). Thanks for the winter recipes, delightful!
I love this Cindy. Love how lovingly you pay attention to life, and all its magic.
I am loving the stillness, the quiet and withdrawn nature of Winter which helps me to go within and get grounded before re-emerging in Spring. January is my birth month and I always look forward to this time after the holidays to re-establish a self-care routine after the busyness has passed.
Just reading this gives me the beautiful feeling of winter’s sacred stillness. Happy birthday. I love that you honor this time with the gifts of self care.
Thank you for the reminder of the seasonal produce and grains, and to continue to listen to our best teacher, our own body (!) as we navigate the seasons and life in general! I’m aiming to eat more in the rhythm of my cycle as I’ve begun the new year and I appreciate these simple recipes.
It is such a sacred practice, a gift of self-love, and a beautiful way of loving our mother earth who loves us so! Best wishes for your beautiful intention.
Hi Tatum, You are the winner. I just emailed you to get an address to send you the Shakti Prana in a jar. Thank you!
I appreciate and love your messages and offerings so much!! I am at the bottom of my first Shakti Prana jar and would love another. Agni and Ojas are so very important and doing my best to optimize both. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts and work that you care to share. 🙏💛😇✨
Malia, I love that you already know about and are enjoying Shakti Prana. What are you noticing about its gifts to your overall well-being?
My dogs delight me during the winter as I curl up on the couch with them and feel their never-ending devotion and wagging tails. 🙂
I love this! Aren’t dogs the best? My pup is cuddled next to me as I write. So grateful for the joy they bring. Thnaks!
I am a little perplexed about staying away from kapha imbalance but at the same time dealing with the dryness that we are experiencing now in Southern California :-)… Any advice? I’m sure you have some 🙂
Oh gosh! I feel ya. It is *so* dry here. In my last post I wrote about this. Winter here is generally more Vata – and this year it is high Vata!
As long as you have some daily exercise, watch the heavy, dry foods and keep your mind balanced, Kapha will not be the problem. Dry, rough, light, windy, scattered, spacy – this is more likely to be the experience that seeks balance. What I am doing to try to keep the Vata in check is sipping lots of warm water mixed with a little coconut water throughout the day, epsom salt baths at night, a magnesium chewy before bed, and oiling the body morning and night.
Meals are a bit more unctuous – soups and stews with extra extra virgin olive oil, supporting digestion with ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and supporting the mind with brahmi.
I hope this helps!
With the cold season, warmth and food that comforts you brings you solace. Food is medicine and healing the soul.
Floreida Quiaoit
Yes, so true. Thank you. And what a beautiful name!