Delicious elegance in 10 minutes. Continue reading
Delicious elegance in 10 minutes. Continue reading
With chocolate in the sauce, this pasta is comfort food seductively saying “I love you.” Continue reading
“All good things… came by grace; and grace comes by art; and art does not come easy.” Continue reading
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Best day of the year, or commercial imposition? Invention of the Hallmark industry, or a wonderful reminder to love, love, love? However you see it, most of us seem to agree ~ the … Continue reading
A couple of weeks ago I asked, “What do you crave?” Across the vast interconnected web of planetary health-wizards and cultural creatives came the resounding answer, “Chocolate!” Why, of course. Chocolate is a stimulant, so it is not surprising in … Continue reading
Think about something you love for a moment. How does that thought make you feel? If you could taste it, what would be its flavor? Sitting in an Emergency Room earlier this week waiting for my husband to be wheeled … Continue reading