Warning: This Tonic will make you sleep, and sleep, and sleep… Continue reading
Warning: This Tonic will make you sleep, and sleep, and sleep… Continue reading
Have you heard of Urban Food & Gourmet? It is a new South Park Shop & Deli for California Creatives, Modern Peace Warriors, Radiant Lighthouses like you. Dedicated to tickling your palate, feeding your fires, sweetly singing your body electric and … Continue reading
A week ago, we took our Yoga Teacher Training to Suzie’s Organic Farm. Some 20 of us descended upon their 70 acres in the Tijuana River Valley where we were like bees to honey ~ Yogis abuzz in fields of bliss, … Continue reading
A client recently mentioned that she wants to do another cleanse. Grew up on junk food was the reason she gave. Makes sense, I thought. Every now and then a deep clearing of the digestive tract is good practice, especially … Continue reading