December Intentions
1. Make something with my own two hands: A drawing, a dinner, a scarf, a cup of chai, a cinnamon clove body scrub.
2. Add balancing spices to meals: Cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg in the northern hemisphere; parsley, mint, fennel in the southern.
3. Shop small + wrap presents sustainably: fabric, news print, brown paper bags.
4. Go to bed early: #nodigitalnights #deepsleeptonic
5. How do I love thee? Wake up every day and count the ways: 5 shimmering ways, life is worth getting up for.
6. Start lathered in love: Daily Abhyanga. Brahmi Oil from Banyan Botanicals is my winter favorite, but there are many too choose from.
7. Reach out to friends: We all get by with a little help from our friends.
8. At the same time, protect the heart. A little alone time can be healing if it is filled with self-compassion.
9. Get into nature: feet on the earth, head to the sky, face lifted to the sun (or rain), arms open to the feel of it, hands caressing grasses, leaves, petals = full-on immerse in nature daily.
10. December is for Seva: Time to push the edges and reveal even more generosity of heart. Planning donations to Shakti Rising, Outdoor Outreach, RadhaSeva and my alma mater, and asking, What can I do every day to make this world a little brighter for another?
What are your intentions for this holiday month?
December is late autumn, early winter where I am. It is a time of year for deep rest, quieter days, and kindling the internal fires. There are many recipes both for the holidays and for Vata season across this blog. Please put your search word in the search box up on the top right. Or click on a tag in the tag cloud in the right side bar.
Here are a few of my favorites for this season ~

And so many more here.
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Wishing you a beautiful December 🙏🏽🍃