Inspired by The Modern Proper’s Easy Fennel Salad, this salad is summer heaven. A simple dressing of citrus, olive oil and fresh mint lets the unique flavor of the fennel shine. With hummus or chickpeas, tofu or avocado, a scoop of dal or kitchari, it’s a lunchtime meal in itself. It would also be a bright side to any savory main.
As The Modern Proper writes, “The lightly licorice-esque flavor of fennel bulbs is so unique, we just can’t emphasize enough how little you need to transform them into the most elegant summer salad you’ve ever served.”
I changed things up a bit to make this more Pitta-reducing for summer. But their original is even simpler, serves twice as many, and can also be adapted to any dosha, any season, any way. Do check it out.
Get The Modern Proper’s Easy Fennel Salad recipe here

Serves 2
1/2 The Modern Proper’s Easy Fennel Salad
1/2 cup baby arugula
1/4 cup radicchio, torn
1 lime
Extra mint for garnish
Make TMP’s Easy Fennel Salad, but only make half, using just one fennel bulb. Also, use lime instead of lemon for the dressing, and skip the parmesan. I actually think it interferes and disrupts the joyful flavors.
Toss with a large handful of baby arugula and a small handful of shredded radicchio. Garnish with whole mint leaves and fennel fronds. Taste and adjust the lime, olive oil, salt and pepper to your desire.
*A note on the dressing: For my taste, I went light on the olive oil, about half TMP’s recipe amount, but was generous with the citrus, maybe doubled, and then added lots of black pepper, really lots!
Dosha suggestions
Vata and Kapha may want to lightly steam the fennel after slicing. Pat dry before tossing with the dressing. For Vata, mash an avocado with the lime and olive oil to make a rich and creamy dressing. For Kapha, add even more black pepper and a pinch of cayenne or red pepper flakes. Pitta, this is made for you. With love. Cool and soothing.
Please go to Modern Proper to for their recipe, along with great tips for cutting fennel, utensils to use, serving suggestions, and beautiful, mouth-watering photos like these below.

Thank you The Modern Proper for permission to share.